// Copyright (c) 2002 - 2006 Henrik Kinnunen (fluxgen at fluxbox dot org) // Copyright (c) 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes <bhughes at trolltech.com> // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER #include "fbsetroot.hh" #include "../src/FbTk/I18n.hh" #include "../src/FbTk/ImageControl.hh" #include "../src/FbTk/Texture.hh" #include "../src/FbTk/GContext.hh" #include "../src/FbRootWindow.hh" #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::string; inline int getRootDepth(const FbTk::FbWindow& w) { return (w.depth() == 32 ? 24 : w.depth()); } fbsetroot::fbsetroot(int argc, char **argv, char *dpy_name) : FbTk::App(dpy_name), m_app_name(argv[0]) { pixmap = (Pixmap *) 0; screen = DefaultScreen(FbTk::App::instance()->display()); grad = fore = back = (char *) 0; bool mod = false, sol = false, grd = false; int mod_x = 0, mod_y = 0, i = 1; img_ctrl = new FbTk::ImageControl(screen); for (; i < argc; i++) { string arg = argv[i]; if (arg == "-help" || arg == "--help" || arg == "-h") { usage(); } else if (arg == "-fg" || arg == "-foreground" || arg == "--foreground" || arg == "-from" || arg == "--from") { if ((++i) >= argc) usage(1); fore = argv[i]; } else if (arg == "-bg" || arg == "-background" || arg == "--background" || arg == "-to" || arg == "--to") { if ((++i) >= argc) usage(1); back = argv[i]; } else if (arg == "-solid" || arg == "--solid") { if ((++i) >= argc) usage(1); fore = argv[i]; sol = true; } else if (arg == "-mod" || arg == "--mod") { if ((++i) >= argc) usage(); mod_x = atoi(argv[i]); if ((++i) >= argc) usage(); mod_y = atoi(argv[i]); if (mod_x < 1) mod_x = 1; if (mod_y < 1) mod_y = 1; mod = true; } else if (arg == "-gradient" || arg == "--gradient") { if ((++i) >= argc) usage(); grad = argv[i]; grd = true; } else if (arg == "-display" || arg == "--display") { // -display passed through tests earlier... we just skip it now i++; } else usage(); } if ((mod + sol + grd) != true) { _FB_USES_NLS; cerr << _FB_CONSOLETEXT(fbsetroot, MustSpecify, "Error: must specify one of: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n", "user didn't give one of the required options") << endl; exit(2); } if (sol && fore) solid(); else if (mod && mod_x && mod_y && fore && back) modula(mod_x, mod_y); else if (grd && grad && fore && back) gradient(); else usage(); } fbsetroot::~fbsetroot() { XKillClient(display(), AllTemporary); if (pixmap) { // should always be true XSetCloseDownMode(display(), RetainTemporary); delete pixmap; } delete img_ctrl; } /** set root pixmap atoms so that apps like Eterm and xchat will be able to use transparent background */ void fbsetroot::setRootAtoms(Pixmap pixmap, int screen) { Atom atom_root, atom_eroot, type; unsigned char *data_root, *data_eroot; int format; unsigned long length, after; atom_root = XInternAtom(display(), "_XROOTMAP_ID", true); atom_eroot = XInternAtom(display(), "ESETROOT_PMAP_ID", true); FbRootWindow root(screen); // doing this to clean up after old background if (atom_root != None && atom_eroot != None) { root.property(atom_root, 0L, 1L, false, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &length, &after, &data_root); if (type == XA_PIXMAP) { root.property(atom_eroot, 0L, 1L, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &length, &after, &data_eroot); if (data_root && data_eroot && type == XA_PIXMAP && *((Pixmap *) data_root) == *((Pixmap *) data_eroot)) { XKillClient(display(), *((Pixmap *) data_root)); } } } atom_root = XInternAtom(display(), "_XROOTPMAP_ID", false); atom_eroot = XInternAtom(display(), "ESETROOT_PMAP_ID", false); if (atom_root == None || atom_eroot == None) { _FB_USES_NLS; cerr<<_FB_CONSOLETEXT(fbsetroot, NoPixmapAtoms, "Couldn't create pixmap atoms, giving up!", "Couldn't create atoms to point at root pixmap")<<endl; exit(1); } // setting new background atoms root.changeProperty(atom_root, XA_PIXMAP, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &pixmap, 1); root.changeProperty(atom_eroot, XA_PIXMAP, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &pixmap, 1); } /** Draws pixmaps with a single color */ void fbsetroot::solid() { FbTk::Color c(fore, screen); if (! c.isAllocated()) c.setPixel(BlackPixel(display(), screen)); FbRootWindow root(screen); FbTk::GContext gc(root); gc.setForeground(c); pixmap = new Pixmap(XCreatePixmap(display(), root.window(), root.width(), root.height(), getRootDepth(root))); XFillRectangle(display(), *pixmap, gc.gc(), 0, 0, root.width(), root.height()); setRootAtoms(*pixmap, screen); root.setBackgroundPixmap(*pixmap); root.clear(); } /** Draws pixmaps with an 16x16 pattern with fg and bg colors. */ void fbsetroot::modula(int x, int y) { const int s = 16; char data[32]; long pattern = 0; register int i; FbRootWindow root(screen); for (i = 0; i < s; i++) { pattern <<= 1; if ((i % x) == 0) pattern |= 0x0001; } for (i = 0; i < s; i++) { if ((i % y) == 0) { data[(i * 2)] = (char) 0xff; data[(i * 2) + 1] = (char) 0xff; } else { data[(i * 2)] = pattern & 0xff; data[(i * 2) + 1] = (pattern >> 8) & 0xff; } } Pixmap bitmap, r_bitmap; bitmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(display(), root.window(), data, s, s); // bitmap used as tile, needs to have the same depth as background pixmap r_bitmap = XCreatePixmap(display(), root.window(), s, s, (root.depth() == 32 ? 24 : root.depth())); FbTk::Color f(fore, screen), b(back, screen); if (! f.isAllocated()) f.setPixel(WhitePixel(display(), screen)); if (! b.isAllocated()) b.setPixel(BlackPixel(display(), screen)); FbTk::GContext gc(root); gc.setForeground(f); gc.setBackground(b); // copying bitmap to the one going to be used as tile XCopyPlane(display(), bitmap, r_bitmap, gc.gc(), 0, 0, s, s, 0, 0, 1l); gc.setTile(r_bitmap); gc.setFillStyle(FillTiled); pixmap = new Pixmap(XCreatePixmap(display(), root.window(), root.width(), root.height(), getRootDepth(root))); XFillRectangle(display(), *pixmap, gc.gc(), 0, 0, root.width(), root.height()); setRootAtoms(*pixmap, screen); root.setBackgroundPixmap(*pixmap); root.clear(); XFreePixmap(display(), bitmap); XFreePixmap(display(), r_bitmap); } /** draws pixmaps with a fluxbox texure */ void fbsetroot::gradient() { // using temporaray pixmap and then copying it to background pixmap, as it'll // get crashed somewhere on the way causing apps like XChat chrashing // as the pixmap has been destroyed Pixmap tmp; // we must insert gradient text string texture_value = grad ? grad : "solid"; texture_value.insert(0, "gradient "); FbTk::Texture texture; texture.setFromString(texture_value.c_str()); FbRootWindow root(screen); FbTk::GContext gc(root); texture.color().setFromString(fore, screen); texture.colorTo().setFromString(back, screen); if (! texture.color().isAllocated()) texture.color().setPixel(WhitePixel(display(), screen)); if (! texture.colorTo().isAllocated()) texture.colorTo().setPixel(BlackPixel(display(), screen)); tmp = img_ctrl->renderImage(root.width(), root.height(), texture); pixmap = new Pixmap(XCreatePixmap(display(), root.window(), root.width(), root.height(), getRootDepth(root))); XCopyArea(display(), tmp, *pixmap, gc.gc(), 0, 0, root.width(), root.height(), 0, 0); setRootAtoms(*pixmap, screen); root.setBackgroundPixmap(*pixmap); root.clear(); if (! (root.visual()->c_class & 1)) { img_ctrl->removeImage(tmp); img_ctrl->cleanCache(); } } /** Shows information about usage */ void fbsetroot::usage(int exit_code) { _FB_USES_NLS; cout << m_app_name << " 2.3 : (c) 2003-2015 Fluxbox Development Team" << endl; cout << m_app_name << " 2.1 : (c) 2002 Claes Nasten" << endl; cout << m_app_name << " 2.0 : (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n" << endl; cout << _FB_CONSOLETEXT(fbsetroot, Usage, " -display <string> display connection\n" " -mod <x> <y> modula pattern\n" " -foreground, -fg <color> modula foreground color\n" " -background, -bg <color> modula background color\n\n" " -gradient <texture> gradient texture\n" " -from <color> gradient start color\n" " -to <color> gradient end color\n\n" " -solid <color> solid color\n\n" " -help print this help text and exit\n", "fbsetroot usage options") << endl; exit(exit_code); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *display_name = (char *) 0; int i = 1; FbTk::I18n::init(0); for (; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-display") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--display")) { // check for -display option if ((++i) >= argc) { _FB_USES_NLS; cerr<<_FB_CONSOLETEXT(main, DISPLAYRequiresArg, "error: '-display' requires an argument", "option requires an argument")<<endl; ::exit(1); } display_name = argv[i]; } } try { fbsetroot app(argc, argv, display_name); } catch (string & error_str) { _FB_USES_NLS; cerr<<_FB_CONSOLETEXT(Common, Error, "Error", "Error message header")<<": "<<error_str<<endl; } return (0); }