_NET_WM_DESKTOP and _WIN_WORKSPACE had wrong initial values (-1), which lead to probems
with (eg) fbpager (unaware of newly created windows and such things)
recognized and/or added to the LIBS .. i tested this version on a lot of
different platforms and it SHOULD work propperly, even if it looks a bit
Automake will generate rules to automatically regenerate the
config header. This obsolete macro is a synonym of
`AC_CONFIG_HEADERS' today (*note Optional::).
so we use the nonobsolete now, thanx php-coder for pointing that out.
- Shade - just like the "Stick"-button
window.shade.pixmap, window.shade.unfocus.pixmap, window.shade.pressed.pixmap
window.unshade.pixmap, window.unshade.unfocus.pixmap, window.unshade.pressed.pixmap
- MenuIcon - click on it provides the windowmenu, if the app
contains a pixmap (gvim, konqueror etc etc) the pixmap is displayed, a
little menu otherwise.
windowmenu.pixmap, windowmenu.unfocus.pixmap windowmenu.pressed.pixmap
Example ~/.fluxbox/init - entry:
session.titlebar.left: MenuIcon Stick
session.titlebar.right: Shade Minimize Maximize Close
hint: if the app HAS a pixmap i use window.title.focus.pixmap (look
WinButtonTheme for reference)in pixmap-based-styles. this looks excellent and dont need
much extra-code to pipe that info into WinButtons.
if the xkb-extension is enabled and the user switches between his/her
keyboardlayouts fluxbox's keybhandling doesn't work well anymore because
xkeyevent.state contains also xkb-related flags and thus we have to handle
that with caution.
KeyUtils now contain 'isolateModifierMask()' to really work only on the
modifiers. why not as part of cleanMods() ? because the XLookupString return
false results, eg TextBox's would only print chars from the first