deleted the "fallback"-code, which was one of the reasons for slowing down

fluxbox in utf8-locales:

if no fontset is found up to this point its because of
  a) no such font
  b) not supported locale

if we try our best and enhance the basename-list and add some
more generic patterns the xserver will give us a valid
fontset .. which is good coz we have something to work with
but which is BAD coz we return a valid fontset as if we 
have found the font the user wants .. so, every fallback
in higher level code will fail coz we find a valid fontset by any
meaning here. if no fontset can be found, the "fixed"-fontset should
be there already.
This commit is contained in:
mathias 2005-06-03 07:22:27 +00:00
parent 4e5c210688
commit 9c27e2e799

View file

@ -138,56 +138,14 @@ XFontSet createFontSet(const char *fontname, bool& utf8mode) {
if (! fs) {
if (nmissing) XFreeStringList(missing);
if (nmissing)
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "C");
fs = XCreateFontSet(display, fontname,
&missing, &nmissing, &def);
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, orig_locale.c_str());
if (fs) {
XFontStruct **fontstructs;
char **fontnames;
XFontsOfFontSet(fs, &fontstructs, &fontnames);
fontname = fontnames[0];
getFontElement(fontname, weight, FONT_ELEMENT_SIZE,
"-medium-", "-bold-", "-demibold-", "-regular-", NULL);
getFontElement(fontname, slant, FONT_ELEMENT_SIZE,
"-r-", "-i-", "-o-", "-ri-", "-ro-", NULL);
getFontSize(fontname, &pixel_size);
if (! strcmp(weight, "*"))
strncpy(weight, "medium", FONT_ELEMENT_SIZE);
if (! strcmp(slant, "*"))
strncpy(slant, "r", FONT_ELEMENT_SIZE);
if (pixel_size < 3)
pixel_size = 3;
else if (pixel_size > 97)
pixel_size = 97;
buf_size = strlen(fontname) + (FONT_ELEMENT_SIZE * 2) + 64;
char *pattern2 = new char[buf_size];
snprintf(pattern2, buf_size - 1,
fontname, weight, slant, pixel_size, pixel_size);
fontname = pattern2;
if (nmissing)
if (fs)
XFreeFontSet(display, fs);
fs = XCreateFontSet(display, fontname,
&missing, &nmissing, &def);
delete [] pattern2;
if (utf8mode)
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, orig_locale.c_str());