#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" int winid; void wininit(Window *w, Window *clone, Rectangle r) { Rectangle r1, br; File *f; Reffont *rf; Rune *rp; int nc, i; w->tag.w = w; w->taglines = 1; w->tagexpand = TRUE; w->body.w = w; w->id = ++winid; incref(&w->ref); if(globalincref) incref(&w->ref); w->ctlfid = ~0; w->utflastqid = -1; r1 = r; w->tagtop = r; w->tagtop.max.y = r.min.y + font->height; r1.max.y = r1.min.y + w->taglines*font->height; incref(&reffont.ref); f = fileaddtext(nil, &w->tag); textinit(&w->tag, f, r1, &reffont, tagcols); w->tag.what = Tag; /* tag is a copy of the contents, not a tracked image */ if(clone){ textdelete(&w->tag, 0, w->tag.file->b.nc, TRUE); nc = clone->tag.file->b.nc; rp = runemalloc(nc); bufread(&clone->tag.file->b, 0, rp, nc); textinsert(&w->tag, 0, rp, nc, TRUE); free(rp); filereset(w->tag.file); textsetselect(&w->tag, nc, nc); } r1 = r; r1.min.y += w->taglines*font->height + 1; if(r1.max.y < r1.min.y) r1.max.y = r1.min.y; f = nil; if(clone){ f = clone->body.file; w->body.org = clone->body.org; w->isscratch = clone->isscratch; rf = rfget(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, clone->body.reffont->f->name); }else rf = rfget(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, nil); f = fileaddtext(f, &w->body); w->body.what = Body; textinit(&w->body, f, r1, rf, textcols); r1.min.y -= 1; r1.max.y = r1.min.y+1; draw(screen, r1, tagcols[BORD], nil, ZP); textscrdraw(&w->body); w->r = r; br.min = w->tag.scrollr.min; br.max.x = br.min.x + Dx(button->r); br.max.y = br.min.y + Dy(button->r); draw(screen, br, button, nil, button->r.min); w->filemenu = TRUE; w->maxlines = w->body.fr.maxlines; for(i=0; iindent[i] = globalindent[i]; if(clone){ w->dirty = clone->dirty; for(i=0; iindent[i] = clone->indent[i]; textsetselect(&w->body, clone->body.q0, clone->body.q1); winsettag(w); } } /* * Draw the appropriate button. */ void windrawbutton(Window *w) { Image *b; Rectangle br; b = button; if(!w->isdir && !w->isscratch && (w->body.file->mod || w->body.ncache)) b = modbutton; br.min = w->tag.scrollr.min; br.max.x = br.min.x + Dx(b->r); br.max.y = br.min.y + Dy(b->r); draw(screen, br, b, nil, b->r.min); } int delrunepos(Window *w) { int n; Rune rune; for(n=0; ntag.file->b.nc; n++) { bufread(&w->tag.file->b, n, &rune, 1); if(rune == ' ') break; } n += 2; if(n >= w->tag.file->b.nc) return -1; return n; } void movetodel(Window *w) { int n; n = delrunepos(w); if(n < 0) return; moveto(mousectl, addpt(frptofchar(&w->tag.fr, n), Pt(4, w->tag.fr.font->height-4))); } /* * Compute number of tag lines required * to display entire tag text. */ int wintaglines(Window *w, Rectangle r) { int n; Rune rune; Point p; if(!w->tagexpand && !w->showdel) return 1; w->showdel = FALSE; w->tag.fr.noredraw = 1; textresize(&w->tag, r, TRUE); w->tag.fr.noredraw = 0; w->tagsafe = FALSE; if(!w->tagexpand) { /* use just as many lines as needed to show the Del */ n = delrunepos(w); if(n < 0) return 1; p = subpt(frptofchar(&w->tag.fr, n), w->tag.fr.r.min); return 1 + p.y / w->tag.fr.font->height; } /* can't use more than we have */ if(w->tag.fr.nlines >= w->tag.fr.maxlines) return w->tag.fr.maxlines; /* if tag ends with \n, include empty line at end for typing */ n = w->tag.fr.nlines; if(w->tag.file->b.nc > 0){ bufread(&w->tag.file->b, w->tag.file->b.nc-1, &rune, 1); if(rune == '\n') n++; } if(n == 0) n = 1; return n; } int winresize(Window *w, Rectangle r, int safe, int keepextra) { int oy, y, mouseintag, mouseinbody; Point p; Rectangle r1; mouseintag = ptinrect(mouse->xy, w->tag.all); mouseinbody = ptinrect(mouse->xy, w->body.all); /* tagtop is first line of tag */ w->tagtop = r; w->tagtop.max.y = r.min.y+font->height; r1 = r; r1.max.y = min(r.max.y, r1.min.y + w->taglines*font->height); /* If needed, recompute number of lines in tag. */ if(!safe || !w->tagsafe || !eqrect(w->tag.all, r1)){ w->taglines = wintaglines(w, r); r1.max.y = min(r.max.y, r1.min.y + w->taglines*font->height); } /* If needed, resize & redraw tag. */ y = r1.max.y; if(!safe || !w->tagsafe || !eqrect(w->tag.all, r1)){ textresize(&w->tag, r1, TRUE); y = w->tag.fr.r.max.y; windrawbutton(w); w->tagsafe = TRUE; /* If mouse is in tag, pull up as tag closes. */ if(mouseintag && !ptinrect(mouse->xy, w->tag.all)){ p = mouse->xy; p.y = w->tag.all.max.y-3; moveto(mousectl, p); } /* If mouse is in body, push down as tag expands. */ if(mouseinbody && ptinrect(mouse->xy, w->tag.all)){ p = mouse->xy; p.y = w->tag.all.max.y+3; moveto(mousectl, p); } } /* If needed, resize & redraw body. */ r1 = r; r1.min.y = y; if(!safe || !eqrect(w->body.all, r1)){ oy = y; if(y+1+w->body.fr.font->height <= r.max.y){ /* room for one line */ r1.min.y = y; r1.max.y = y+1; draw(screen, r1, tagcols[BORD], nil, ZP); y++; r1.min.y = min(y, r.max.y); r1.max.y = r.max.y; }else{ r1.min.y = y; r1.max.y = y; } y = textresize(&w->body, r1, keepextra); w->r = r; w->r.max.y = y; textscrdraw(&w->body); w->body.all.min.y = oy; } w->maxlines = min(w->body.fr.nlines, max(w->maxlines, w->body.fr.maxlines)); return w->r.max.y; } void winlock1(Window *w, int owner) { incref(&w->ref); qlock(&w->lk); w->owner = owner; } void winlock(Window *w, int owner) { int i; File *f; f = w->body.file; for(i=0; intext; i++) winlock1(f->text[i]->w, owner); } void winunlock(Window *w) { int i; File *f; /* * subtle: loop runs backwards to avoid tripping over * winclose indirectly editing f->text and freeing f * on the last iteration of the loop. */ f = w->body.file; for(i=f->ntext-1; i>=0; i--){ w = f->text[i]->w; w->owner = 0; qunlock(&w->lk); winclose(w); } } void winmousebut(Window *w) { moveto(mousectl, addpt(w->tag.scrollr.min, divpt(Pt(Dx(w->tag.scrollr), font->height), 2))); } void windirfree(Window *w) { int i; Dirlist *dl; if(w->isdir){ for(i=0; indl; i++){ dl = w->dlp[i]; free(dl->r); free(dl); } free(w->dlp); } w->dlp = nil; w->ndl = 0; } void winclose(Window *w) { int i; if(decref(&w->ref) == 0){ xfidlog(w, "del"); windirfree(w); textclose(&w->tag); textclose(&w->body); if(activewin == w) activewin = nil; for(i=0; inincl; i++) free(w->incl[i]); free(w->incl); free(w->events); free(w); } } void windelete(Window *w) { Xfid *x; x = w->eventx; if(x){ w->nevents = 0; free(w->events); w->events = nil; w->eventx = nil; sendp(x->c, nil); /* wake him up */ } } void winundo(Window *w, int isundo) { Text *body; int i; File *f; Window *v; w->utflastqid = -1; body = &w->body; fileundo(body->file, isundo, &body->q0, &body->q1); textshow(body, body->q0, body->q1, 1); f = body->file; for(i=0; intext; i++){ v = f->text[i]->w; v->dirty = (f->seq != v->putseq); if(v != w){ v->body.q0 = v->body.fr.p0+v->body.org; v->body.q1 = v->body.fr.p1+v->body.org; } } winsettag(w); } void winsetname(Window *w, Rune *name, int n) { Text *t; Window *v; int i; static Rune Lslashguide[] = { '/', 'g', 'u', 'i', 'd', 'e', 0 }; static Rune Lpluserrors[] = { '+', 'E', 'r', 'r', 'o', 'r', 's', 0 }; t = &w->body; if(runeeq(t->file->name, t->file->nname, name, n) == TRUE) return; w->isscratch = FALSE; if(n>=6 && runeeq(Lslashguide, 6, name+(n-6), 6)) w->isscratch = TRUE; else if(n>=7 && runeeq(Lpluserrors, 7, name+(n-7), 7)) w->isscratch = TRUE; filesetname(t->file, name, n); for(i=0; ifile->ntext; i++){ v = t->file->text[i]->w; winsettag(v); v->isscratch = w->isscratch; } } void wintype(Window *w, Text *t, Rune r) { int i; texttype(t, r); if(t->what == Body) for(i=0; ifile->ntext; i++) textscrdraw(t->file->text[i]); winsettag(w); } void wincleartag(Window *w) { int i, n; Rune *r; /* w must be committed */ n = w->tag.file->b.nc; r = runemalloc(n); bufread(&w->tag.file->b, 0, r, n); for(i=0; itag, i, n, TRUE); free(r); w->tag.file->mod = FALSE; if(w->tag.q0 > i) w->tag.q0 = i; if(w->tag.q1 > i) w->tag.q1 = i; textsetselect(&w->tag, w->tag.q0, w->tag.q1); } void winsettag1(Window *w) { int i, j, k, n, bar, dirty, resize; Rune *new, *old, *r; uint q0, q1; static Rune Ldelsnarf[] = { ' ', 'D', 'e', 'l', ' ', 'S', 'n', 'a', 'r', 'f', 0 }; static Rune Lundo[] = { ' ', 'U', 'n', 'd', 'o', 0 }; static Rune Lredo[] = { ' ', 'R', 'e', 'd', 'o', 0 }; static Rune Lget[] = { ' ', 'G', 'e', 't', 0 }; static Rune Lput[] = { ' ', 'P', 'u', 't', 0 }; static Rune Llook[] = { ' ', 'L', 'o', 'o', 'k', ' ', 0 }; static Rune Lpipe[] = { ' ', '|', 0 }; /* there are races that get us here with stuff in the tag cache, so we take extra care to sync it */ if(w->tag.ncache!=0 || w->tag.file->mod) wincommit(w, &w->tag); /* check file name; also guarantees we can modify tag contents */ old = runemalloc(w->tag.file->b.nc+1); bufread(&w->tag.file->b, 0, old, w->tag.file->b.nc); old[w->tag.file->b.nc] = '\0'; for(i=0; itag.file->b.nc; i++) if(old[i]==' ' || old[i]=='\t') break; if(runeeq(old, i, w->body.file->name, w->body.file->nname) == FALSE){ textdelete(&w->tag, 0, i, TRUE); textinsert(&w->tag, 0, w->body.file->name, w->body.file->nname, TRUE); free(old); old = runemalloc(w->tag.file->b.nc+1); bufread(&w->tag.file->b, 0, old, w->tag.file->b.nc); old[w->tag.file->b.nc] = '\0'; } /* compute the text for the whole tag, replacing current only if it differs */ new = runemalloc(w->body.file->nname+100); i = 0; runemove(new+i, w->body.file->name, w->body.file->nname); i += w->body.file->nname; runemove(new+i, Ldelsnarf, 10); i += 10; if(w->filemenu){ if(w->body.needundo || w->body.file->delta.nc>0 || w->body.ncache){ runemove(new+i, Lundo, 5); i += 5; } if(w->body.file->epsilon.nc > 0){ runemove(new+i, Lredo, 5); i += 5; } dirty = w->body.file->nname && (w->body.ncache || w->body.file->seq!=w->putseq); if(!w->isdir && dirty){ runemove(new+i, Lput, 4); i += 4; } } if(w->isdir){ runemove(new+i, Lget, 4); i += 4; } runemove(new+i, Lpipe, 2); i += 2; r = runestrchr(old, '|'); if(r) k = r-old+1; else{ k = w->tag.file->b.nc; if(w->body.file->seq == 0){ runemove(new+i, Llook, 6); i += 6; } } new[i] = 0; /* replace tag if the new one is different */ resize = 0; if(runeeq(new, i, old, k) == FALSE){ resize = 1; n = k; if(n > i) n = i; for(j=0; jtag.q0; q1 = w->tag.q1; textdelete(&w->tag, j, k, TRUE); textinsert(&w->tag, j, new+j, i-j, TRUE); /* try to preserve user selection */ r = runestrchr(old, '|'); if(r){ bar = r-old; if(q0 > bar){ bar = (runestrchr(new, '|')-new)-bar; w->tag.q0 = q0+bar; w->tag.q1 = q1+bar; } } } free(old); free(new); w->tag.file->mod = FALSE; n = w->tag.file->b.nc+w->tag.ncache; if(w->tag.q0 > n) w->tag.q0 = n; if(w->tag.q1 > n) w->tag.q1 = n; textsetselect(&w->tag, w->tag.q0, w->tag.q1); windrawbutton(w); if(resize){ w->tagsafe = 0; winresize(w, w->r, TRUE, TRUE); } } void winsettag(Window *w) { int i; File *f; Window *v; f = w->body.file; for(i=0; intext; i++){ v = f->text[i]->w; if(v->col->safe || v->body.fr.maxlines>0) winsettag1(v); } } void wincommit(Window *w, Text *t) { Rune *r; int i; File *f; textcommit(t, TRUE); f = t->file; if(f->ntext > 1) for(i=0; intext; i++) textcommit(f->text[i], FALSE); /* no-op for t */ if(t->what == Body) return; r = runemalloc(w->tag.file->b.nc); bufread(&w->tag.file->b, 0, r, w->tag.file->b.nc); for(i=0; itag.file->b.nc; i++) if(r[i]==' ' || r[i]=='\t') break; if(runeeq(r, i, w->body.file->name, w->body.file->nname) == FALSE){ seq++; filemark(w->body.file); w->body.file->mod = TRUE; w->dirty = TRUE; winsetname(w, r, i); winsettag(w); } free(r); } void winaddincl(Window *w, Rune *r, int n) { char *a; Dir *d; Runestr rs; a = runetobyte(r, n); d = dirstat(a); if(d == nil){ if(a[0] == '/') goto Rescue; rs = dirname(&w->body, r, n); r = rs.r; n = rs.nr; free(a); a = runetobyte(r, n); d = dirstat(a); if(d == nil) goto Rescue; r = runerealloc(r, n+1); r[n] = 0; } free(a); if((d->qid.type&QTDIR) == 0){ free(d); warning(nil, "%s: not a directory\n", a); free(r); return; } free(d); w->nincl++; w->incl = realloc(w->incl, w->nincl*sizeof(Rune*)); memmove(w->incl+1, w->incl, (w->nincl-1)*sizeof(Rune*)); w->incl[0] = runemalloc(n+1); runemove(w->incl[0], r, n); free(r); return; Rescue: warning(nil, "%s: %r\n", a); free(r); free(a); return; } int winclean(Window *w, int conservative) { if(w->isscratch || w->isdir) /* don't whine if it's a guide file, error window, etc. */ return TRUE; if(!conservative && w->nopen[QWevent]>0) return TRUE; if(w->dirty){ if(w->body.file->nname) warning(nil, "%.*S modified\n", w->body.file->nname, w->body.file->name); else{ if(w->body.file->b.nc < 100) /* don't whine if it's too small */ return TRUE; warning(nil, "unnamed file modified\n"); } w->dirty = FALSE; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } char* winctlprint(Window *w, char *buf, int fonts) { sprint(buf, "%11d %11d %11d %11d %11d ", w->id, w->tag.file->b.nc, w->body.file->b.nc, w->isdir, w->dirty); if(fonts) return smprint("%s%11d %q %11d ", buf, Dx(w->body.fr.r), w->body.reffont->f->name, w->body.fr.maxtab); return buf; } void winevent(Window *w, char *fmt, ...) { int n; char *b; Xfid *x; va_list arg; if(w->nopen[QWevent] == 0) return; if(w->owner == 0) error("no window owner"); va_start(arg, fmt); b = vsmprint(fmt, arg); va_end(arg); if(b == nil) error("vsmprint failed"); n = strlen(b); w->events = erealloc(w->events, w->nevents+1+n); w->events[w->nevents++] = w->owner; memmove(w->events+w->nevents, b, n); free(b); w->nevents += n; x = w->eventx; if(x){ w->eventx = nil; sendp(x->c, nil); } }