
331 lines
6.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <bio.h>
#include <thread.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
Window* newwindow(void) {
char buf[12];
Window* w;
w = emalloc(sizeof(Window));
w->ctl = fsopen(acmefs, "new/ctl", ORDWR | OCEXEC);
if (w->ctl == nil || fsread(w->ctl, buf, 12) != 12)
error("can't open window ctl file: %r");
w->id = atoi(buf);
w->event = winopenfile(w, "event");
w->addr = nil; /* will be opened when needed */
w->body = nil;
w->data = nil;
w->cevent = chancreate(sizeof(Event*), 0);
w->ref = 1;
return w;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
void winincref(Window* w) {
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
void windecref(Window* w) {
if (--w->ref > 0) {
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
void winsetdump(Window* w, char* dir, char* cmd) {
if (dir != nil)
ctlprint(w->ctl, "dumpdir %s\n", dir);
if (cmd != nil)
ctlprint(w->ctl, "dump %s\n", cmd);
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
void wineventproc(void* v) {
Window* w;
int i;
w = v;
for (i = 0;; i++) {
if (i >= NEVENT)
i = 0;
wingetevent(w, &w->e[i]);
sendp(w->cevent, &w->e[i]);
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
static CFid* winopenfile1(Window* w, char* f, int m) {
char buf[64];
CFid* fd;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
sprint(buf, "%d/%s", w->id, f);
fd = fsopen(acmefs, buf, m | OCEXEC);
if (fd == nil)
error("can't open window file %s: %r", f);
return fd;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
CFid* winopenfile(Window* w, char* f) { return winopenfile1(w, f, ORDWR); }
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
void wintagwrite(Window* w, char* s, int n) {
CFid* fid;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
fid = winopenfile(w, "tag");
if (fswrite(fid, s, n) != n)
error("tag write: %r");
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
void winname(Window* w, char* s) {
int len;
char *ns, *sp;
Rune r = L''; /* visible space */
len = 0;
ns = emalloc(strlen(s) * runelen(r) + 1);
for (sp = s; *sp != '\0'; sp++, len++) {
if (isspace(*sp)) {
len += runetochar(ns + len, &r) - 1;
*(ns + len) = *sp;
ctlprint(w->ctl, "name %s\n", ns);
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
void winopenbody(Window* w, int mode) {
char buf[256];
CFid* fid;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
sprint(buf, "%d/body", w->id);
fid = fsopen(acmefs, buf, mode | OCEXEC);
w->body = fid;
if (w->body == nil)
error("can't open window body file: %r");
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
void winclosebody(Window* w) {
if (w->body != nil) {
w->body = nil;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
void winwritebody(Window* w, char* s, int n) {
if (w->body == nil)
winopenbody(w, OWRITE);
if (fswrite(w->body, s, n) != n)
error("write error to window: %r");
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
int wingetec(Window* w) {
if (w->nbuf == 0) {
w->nbuf = fsread(w->event, w->buf, sizeof w->buf);
if (w->nbuf <= 0) {
/* probably because window has exited, and only called by wineventproc, so
* just shut down */
w->bufp = w->buf;
return *w->bufp++;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
int wingeten(Window* w) {
int n, c;
n = 0;
while ('0' <= (c = wingetec(w)) && c <= '9')
n = n * 10 + (c - '0');
if (c != ' ')
error("event number syntax");
return n;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
int wingeter(Window* w, char* buf, int* nb) {
Rune r;
int n;
r = wingetec(w);
buf[0] = r;
n = 1;
if (r >= Runeself) {
while (!fullrune(buf, n))
buf[n++] = wingetec(w);
chartorune(&r, buf);
*nb = n;
return r;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
void wingetevent(Window* w, Event* e) {
int i, nb;
e->c1 = wingetec(w);
e->c2 = wingetec(w);
e->q0 = wingeten(w);
e->q1 = wingeten(w);
e->flag = wingeten(w);
e->nr = wingeten(w);
if (e->nr > EVENTSIZE)
error("event string too long");
e->nb = 0;
for (i = 0; i < e->nr; i++) {
e->r[i] = wingeter(w, e->b + e->nb, &nb);
e->nb += nb;
e->r[e->nr] = 0;
e->b[e->nb] = 0;
if (wingetec(w) != '\n')
error("event syntax error");
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
void winwriteevent(Window* w, Event* e) {
fsprint(w->event, "%c%c%d %d\n", e->c1, e->c2, e->q0, e->q1);
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
void winread(Window* w, uint q0, uint q1, char* data) {
int m, n, nr;
char buf[256];
if (w->addr == nil)
w->addr = winopenfile(w, "addr");
if (w->data == nil)
w->data = winopenfile(w, "data");
m = q0;
while (m < q1) {
n = sprint(buf, "#%d", m);
if (fswrite(w->addr, buf, n) != n)
error("error writing addr: %r");
n = fsread(w->data, buf, sizeof buf);
if (n <= 0)
error("reading data: %r");
nr = utfnlen(buf, n);
while (m + nr > q1) {
while (n > 0 && (buf[--n] & 0xC0) == 0x80);
if (n == 0)
memmove(data, buf, n);
data += n;
*data = 0;
m += nr;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
void windormant(Window* w) {
if (w->addr != nil) {
w->addr = nil;
if (w->body != nil) {
w->body = nil;
if (w->data != nil) {
w->data = nil;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
int windel(Window* w, int sure) {
if (sure)
fswrite(w->ctl, "delete\n", 7);
else if (fswrite(w->ctl, "del\n", 4) != 4)
return 0;
/* event proc will die due to read error from event file */
w->ctl = nil;
return 1;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
void winclean(Window* w) { ctlprint(w->ctl, "clean\n"); }
int winsetaddr(Window* w, char* addr, int errok) {
if (w->addr == nil)
w->addr = winopenfile(w, "addr");
if (fswrite(w->addr, addr, strlen(addr)) < 0) {
if (!errok)
error("error writing addr(%s): %r", addr);
return 0;
return 1;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
int winselect(Window* w, char* addr, int errok) {
if (winsetaddr(w, addr, errok)) {
ctlprint(w->ctl, "dot=addr\n");
return 1;
return 0;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
char* winreadbody(
Window* w,
int* np) /* can't use readfile because acme doesn't report the length */
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
char* s;
int m, na, n;
if (w->body != nil)
winopenbody(w, OREAD);
s = nil;
na = 0;
n = 0;
for (;;) {
if (na < n + 512) {
na += 1024;
s = realloc(s, na + 1);
m = fsread(w->body, s + n, na - n);
if (m <= 0)
n += m;
s[n] = 0;
*np = n;
return s;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00
char* winselection(Window* w) {
int m, n;
char* buf;
char tmp[256];
CFid* fid;
fid = winopenfile1(w, "rdsel", OREAD);
if (fid == nil)
error("can't open rdsel: %r");
n = 0;
buf = nil;
for (;;) {
m = fsread(fid, tmp, sizeof tmp);
if (m <= 0)
buf = erealloc(buf, n + m + 1);
memmove(buf + n, tmp, m);
n += m;
buf[n] = '\0';
return buf;
2019-11-14 23:15:48 +00:00