importScripts( '' ); // This is your Service Worker, you can put any of your custom Service Worker // code in this file, above the `precacheAndRoute` line. // When widget is installed/pinned, push initial state. self.addEventListener('widgetinstall', (event) => { event.waitUntil(updateWidget(event)); }); // When widget is shown, update content to ensure it is up-to-date. self.addEventListener('widgetresume', (event) => { event.waitUntil(updateWidget(event)); }); // When the user clicks an element with an associated Action.Execute, // handle according to the 'verb' in event.action. self.addEventListener('widgetclick', (event) => { if (event.action == "updateName") { event.waitUntil(updateName(event)); } }); // When the widget is uninstalled/unpinned, clean up any unnecessary // periodic sync or widget-related state. self.addEventListener('widgetuninstall', (event) => {}); const updateWidget = async (event) => { // The widget definition represents the fields specified in the manifest. const widgetDefinition = event.widget.definition; // Fetch the template and data defined in the manifest to generate the payload. const payload = { template: JSON.stringify(await (await fetch(widgetDefinition.msAcTemplate)).json()), data: JSON.stringify(await (await fetch(, }; // Push payload to widget. await self.widgets.updateByInstanceId(event.instanceId, payload); } const updateName = async (event) => { const name =; // The widget definition represents the fields specified in the manifest. const widgetDefinition = event.widget.definition; // Fetch the template and data defined in the manifest to generate the payload. const payload = { template: JSON.stringify(await (await fetch(widgetDefinition.msAcTemplate)).json()), data: JSON.stringify({name}), }; // Push payload to widget. await self.widgets.updateByInstanceId(event.instanceId, payload); } workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute(self.__WB_MANIFEST || []);