Society at a Crossroads
The political division we see today is not by accident. In this dystopic society
mired in controversy, tragedy, and a blatant disregard for our shared humanity,
movements must adopt a robust communication strategy and the power of open
sourced internet protocols.
Corporate Ownership of the Means of Communication
Corporate tech corporations have a monopoly on our communications infrastructure.
This gives them unfair power over the mainstream narrative and the ability to
control what is or what is not possible. Antagonizing algorithms and the constant
bombardment of advertising fuel a hyperconsumer that props up a war economy.
Cocreating Understanding
The current moment demands that we learn how to talk to each other across political
and cultural divisions and broaden our collective understanding of how communication
influences outcomes beyond "strategic sharing" and fundraising.
Communications Infrastructure
The current moment demands that we learn how to talk to each other across political
and cultural divisions must broaden our collective understanding of how communication influences outcomes
beyond "strategic sharing". We