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The corporate social media landscape looks grim. They privatize our means of communication over the Internet and tear our society apart with the constant bombardment of adverrtising and antagonizing algoriths. Movements in 2024 need a robust communication strategy and the power of a decentralized internet. It's on us to take back the digital commons once and for all.
Find the right medium and channels and multiply the impact of your story with a VPSA framework (Value, Problem, Solution, Action). Craft your message with intention and authenticity.
Break the tech monopoly with open source software. Power map your "big bosses" and chart your path to sustainable change.
Rally your community around shared values using a VPSA (Values, Problem, Solution, Action) framework.
It seems like there's a new thing every couple months. Have questions about crypto or decentralized social media? Request a training to stay ahead of the curve.