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package main
import (
"bufio" // used to read multi-word user input
"encoding/csv" //for handling the csv of questions
"flag" //this go package will allow me to add flags to the command
"fmt" // fmt is a package that contains basic functionality like printing to the terminal and taking in user input
"os" // os provides us a platform independent way to handle errors
"strings" // to trim spaces and handle case insensitivity
This is a short Kingdom Hearts trivia game played on the command line.
func main() {
/* Welcome message.
Println prints a welcome message to the terminal and appends a \n at the end of the line
fmt.Println("¡Bienvenidos a Kingdom Hearts Trivia!")
/* What is your name?.
Print will prompt you to enter your name */
fmt.Print("¿Cual es tu nombre?: ")
var name string //this variable of string type holds your name
fmt.Scan(&name) //Scan will let you type your name in. "&" is an operator used to retrieve the memory address of name. the user's input will save to the "name" variable.
fmt.Printf("¡WEPA, %v, por fin llegaste!\n", name) //Printf will print the formatted name variable and display a greeting to the user with their name
/* Age Check.
User will be notified that this trivia game is for people 10 years old and up, then prompted to disclose their age.*/
fmt.Print("¿Este juego esta clasificado para mayores de 10 años. Cuantos años tienes?: ")
var age uint //declaring age to be an unsigned integer because nobody can be a negative number of years old
fmt.Scan(&age) //Scan will take in the users input and assign it to age variable
/* This conditional checks if the inputted age is greater than or equal to 10. if so, it will notify the user that they
can play. if not, it will return and end the game. */
if age >= 10 {
fmt.Println("Puedes jugar 😊")
} else {
fmt.Println("No puedes jugar 😕 ¡Adios!")
csvFilename := flag.String("csv", "questions.csv", "A csv file in the format of 'question,answer'")
file, err := os.Open(*csvFilename)
if err != nil {
exit(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to open CSV file: %s\n", *csvFilename))
r := csv.NewReader(file)
lines, err := r.ReadAll()
if err != nil {
exit("Failed to parse the provided CSV file.")
problems := parseLines(lines)
// fmt.Println(problems)
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
score := 0 //here i am using := to type inference a score to 0
for i, p := range problems {
fmt.Printf("Problem %d: %s = \n", i+1, p.q)
userInput, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
userInput = strings.TrimSpace(userInput)
userInput = strings.ToLower(userInput)
answer := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(p.a))
if userInput == answer {
fmt.Printf("You scored %v out of %v \n", score, len(problems))
percent := (float64(score) / float64(len(problems))) * 100
fmt.Printf("You scored: %v%%. \n", percent)
type problem struct {
q string
a string
func parseLines(lines [][]string) []problem {
ret := make([]problem, len(lines))
for i, line := range lines {
ret[i] = problem{
q: line[0],
a: line[1],
return ret
func exit(msg string) {